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Privacy Policy

OrganicCrops takes care of dealing with your information

At OrganicCrops we feel responsible and accountable to protect and secure the personal data of companies and individuals we do business with. Our policy is to keep our services and products offering transparent, tailor-made and reliable. We update our business communication and products and services offering based on information we gather. We have put together a privacy policy to inform you how we collect data and information and about how we store and use the information.

When does this Privacy policy apply?

This Privacy policy applies to all personal data collected by OrganicCrops in relation to the online services we offer. You can learn more about OrganicCrops, our offices, our brands and our services on
This Privacy policy provides information on how we collect, use and protect your personal data that you provide to us when visiting our website and social media pages, using our apps or contacting OrganicCrops (‘’Online Services”).
Our Online Services may contain links to other websites. Although these websites have been selected carefully, we cannot accept responsibility for collecting your personal data by these websites. This Privacy policy does not apply to the use of such websites, not operated by OrganicCrops.

For what purposes do we use your information?

Your personal data is used for various purposes, depending on the Online Services you use. We can keep you informed about our latest products and upcoming offers. We may use your personal data to assist you and respond to your requests. Furthermore, we use your information for internal purposes, such as research and data analysis that help us to understand our customers and to improve our products and Online Services.

Newsletters and information materials

You can subscribe to a OrganicCrops newsletter or ask us to send you information materials. Your personal data will be used to inform you about the OrganicCrops products and services as specified at the moment of subscribing. If you order OrganicCrops products and share your personal data we may also inform you about other OrganicCrops products.

What information do we use for that purpose?

We collect personal data that is needed to send you the newsletters and information materials. This information may include first and last names, company names, addresses, email addresses. You may choose to give us other details, such as your job title, website URL, shipping and presentation preferences, and local market details.

How long do we store your information for this purpose?

If you do not want to be on a mailing list, you can always unsubscribe (via ‘opt-out’ or by contacting us). In that case we will no longer send you the newsletters. Personal data obtained for sending information materials will be deleted or archived once the materials have been sent to you.

Promotions and/or events

OrganicCrops offers and organizes promotions, actions and other events such as trade shows, round table meetings, and excursions to farms and crop producers.

What information do we use for that purpose?

We only gather personal data, such as first and last names, company names, addresses, email addresses, age and job titles when voluntarily submitted by you for the purposes of these activities. Your information is used to confirm your registration, to verify eligibility and to execute the specific event.

How long do we store your information for this purpose?

Your information will be stored as long as necessary for the promotion, action or event. Retention periods may be communicated for each event separately, but will not exceed 6 months after the termination of the event.

Data analytics and personalized communication

When you are using our Online Services we collect technical information about your device and your online behavior. This information is used to improve our Online Services, our products and your web browsing experiences. We may also use this information to send you newsletters and inform you about product offerings based on your procurement interests. If we have your consent, we may use your device’s GPS-signal to push certain content to your device, such as exhibition location information or a link to an internet page.

What information do we use for that purpose?

We collect information such as:

  • The IP address of your computer or mobile device.
  • Information on the operating system of your device.
  • The internet browser with which you browse internet pages.
  • Those parts of our Online Services you visit.
  • The duration of a visit/session.
  • The products you select in our product pages.
  • Your interaction with product information and request for quotation forms.
  • Localization/GPS data when your computer or mobile device have enabled this.

The information is collected using cookies and similar techniques. OrganicCrops also uses third-party technology for these purposes. This entails that the information may also become available for third parties.

How long do we store your information for this purpose?

More information about data analytics, our cookies and the retention periods we use for our cookies can be found in the OrganicCrops Cookie policy. Here you can also find out how you can change your cookie settings. We process your location as long as your app is running. Upon leaving the app we will no longer process your location and your past locations will be forgotten.

Interaction via Social Media

We are active on various social media platforms, such as Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram and Facebook. When you communicate with us via our social media pages (for example by placing a comment, uploading media, sending a personal message or becoming a follower by clicking on the "like" button), we may receive personal data about you such as your (user) name, your profile photo, the place you live, your e-mail address and your gender.
Via social media, you can share photos, videos and comments. We are active on social media because we believe that your comments, experiences, reviews and other information improve our products and services. We use our social media pages to inform you about products, promotions and other activities.

What information do we use for that purpose?

If you choose to share information by publishing comments, reviews, photos or videos we will use this information. Sometimes we also receive personal data about you from the social media platform itself, such as your (user) name, your profile photo, the place you live, your e-mail address and your gender. Your information will be visible to us and other users of our social media pages, it may end up in our “top posts”. Occasionally, we share videos via our YouTube channels.

How long do we store your information for this purpose?

We store your information, photos and videos for up to 6 months after use of our social media pages.

More information about privacy and social media?

We recommend taking a moment to read the privacy policies and conditions of use of the social media platforms you use. These also apply to information posted on our social media pages and may deviate from the OrganicCrops Privacy policy.

Questions & Concerns

We use your corporate and personal data to respond to you when you contact us, either via the OrganicCrops customer service by telephone, e-mail, social media or (website form/)post. We use your personal data to respond to your question, request or concern.

What information do we use for that purpose?

We register your question or request in our customer relations database. We may also request your contact information such as your name, address, town of residence, telephone number and/or e-mail address and all other personal and corporate data which may be necessary to answer your question.

How long do we store your information for this purpose?

Your information will be stored for no more than three years. At the end of this period, your information will be destroyed or archived.


We may offer (retail) products through our webshop. Our retail products are marketed for the local, Peruvian, market. When you choose to buy our products using our webshop, your information will be used to register and conclude your order and to transport the products.

What information do we use for that purpose?

We register, depending on the exact services, bank account number, as well as basic transactional information (such as your name, address and the purchase order). We may share your information with others, such as transport companies or webshop partners, to provide you with our services.

How long do we store your information for this purpose?

Your information will be stored for 5 years. Depending on the applicable (civil or tax) law, your information may be stored for a longer period of time.

Which third parties have access to your information?

We make certain corporate and personal data available to partners that work with us to provide products and services, or that help us market to customers. As these third parties administer your information, they do so under our instructions, and we take the necessary measures to ensure that your information is used only for the purposes described above. Your personal data may then also be passed on to recipients in other countries. In such cases, OrganicCrops may take additional measures to protect your information.
Personal data will only be provided to supervisory bodies, fiscal authorities and/or investigating authorities if OrganicCrops is obliged to do so by law.

How do we protect your information?

We understand the importance of keeping your personal data secure. So, we have taken various technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data against loss or improper use. Our systems and applications are protected according to the applicable standards for information protection, such as protected servers, firewalls and encryption, as well as the physical protection of areas where information is stored.

Requests for access, correction and removal

Upon request we will provide you with an overview of your corporate and personal data. No costs will be charged. If the information proofs to be inaccurate or in case it appears to be stored in violation of data protection law, we will correct or delete it. We may decline requests that are unreasonable or may jeopardize the privacy of others. We may also decline requests for which access is not required by local law. Access, correction, or deletion requests can be made by clicking on the contact link on the website that forwarded you to this Privacy policy or published this Privacy policy on its website.

Other OrganicCrops privacy policies

Besides this Privacy policy, specific campaigns or promotions may be governed by additional privacy terms. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with such terms before participating in any such campaigns or promotions.

Changes to this Privacy policy

This Privacy policy may occasionally change when prompted by new developments. OrganicCrops advises you to read this Privacy policy regularly, in order to stay up to date on any changes.
This Privacy policy was last updated on 12 June 2024.